The purpose of this blog is to expose shitty things for the true shit that they are.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shitty Commercial Review #1

Where to start, where to start...

Well, I'm going to begin this shitty review with some comments from actual users of this phone:

"Livonia Washington-Jackson Jul 9, 2008 9:20 PM GMT I love the Jitterbug because it's pretty and nice. It makes me feel so gay to use it. If you want to feel gay like me, get the Jitterbug! I suggest the black, once you have black you'll never go back!"

"Mabel Tinkerstein Jul 9, 2008 9:08 PM GMT I like the Jitterbug! My husband Ernie died back in the WW2. He got the gout. This Jitterbug phone replaces all the old men trying to get with me at my retirement village. The Jitterbug is better then a boyfriend because I can see what I am doing. I think that is important. I feel like a groovy granny now that Jitterbug has given me my freedom."


Anyways, moving on. I hate Jitterbug. I hate the commercial. I hate that I turn on my TV and its there, waiting for me, waiting to sing to me. They say in the commercial, word for word, that technology and simplicity have come together to create a cell phone unlike any other.

Yeah, I'd fucking say. Go to 0:11.

Who has ever heard of someone who is so fucking retarded that having a number pad on their phone is too "complicated"? I think these god damned old people should be forced to do something useful besides bitch, eat prunes, vote for McCain, and buy Jitterbugs. They're useless. All they do is talk about what it was like back in their day when gasoline cost them twenty-four cents and when "girls were girls" and "men were men".

"Who needs glasses?"

Not that lady. I'm going to gouge her eyes out. See if glasses will help her then.

On the fucked-up-retard rating, I give this shitty commercial 3 out of 5 stars.
It gets 2 stars for the fucking retarded ass music.
It gets 1 star for promoting a product that helps the elderly, when we all know that the elderly need to die.

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