Follow the day and reach for the sun!

So basically I decided today that its bad to eat peanut butter. My reasoning is that peanut butter is incredibly fattening and all around bad for you. Why? Peanuts are people too, okay? Just because they don't have faces, organs, personalities, or souls doesn't mean that they aren't people. What's important is that they have families and lives. Have you ever been saved by a peanut fireman? Me too. One time my apartment was burning down and I thought I was going to die, but of course, a peanut came and saved my life. They are dignified people with a true sense of self and courageous hearts. They are hard working and come from the continent of South America. They also live in Mexico some times. They come to America, legally, and plant their seeds of labor. How can you live with knowing that you feed upon these unique people and deprive them of what we all deserve: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How can you live with knowing that there's a peanut child out there who no longer has his peanut father, and all because you wanted a sandwich?
Let me tell you something: Fuck you. I have a dream that some day we won't eat people anymore. I have a dream that all humans can live their lives without being consumed by imperialistic fucks like you.
Labels: organs, peanuts, penis, personalities, souls
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